Free Verse Poetry

The Questions I Ask

Sometimes I wonder why anger is so empowering.

I wonder why it’s all bloody knuckles, teeth grinding hard, throat scratched hoarse from screamed confessions that nobody ever really means.

I hate hate hate the way it gives me energy, motivation, a sense of purpose in the worst way possible.

It makes me sick.

Mama, I don’t feel so good. Somebody ticked me off again.

But then I can stand again, because I have something to do, something to hate.

I am safe, miles away from any sort of embarrassment or judgment or stupid stupid guilt.

But I remember.

Why does anger give so much power?

Because it rips away our self-set boundaries, tears out the little white picket fence telling us that we can’t always get what we want.

Yes, I can. I can punch kick scream hit until I get what I want, who cares about you?

And I don’t blame us.

Who ever wants to accept that?

Sometimes I wonder why sadness grips us by the throat.

It fills our eyes and burns our nose, blurs the world whisking past.

It’s a knife stuck in our chest but we leave it in there, let it sting, let it bleed bleed bleed on other people.

But I remember.

Why does fear cut off our oxygen?

It rips down angry walls, and fiery red words turn slow and blue and easily broken. 

And it’s earth-shattering to admit to oneself,

Maybe I will say that in this moment I’m a little awful after all.

I used to wonder why contentment is so fleeting.

I wondered why gratification and satisfaction slip from my fingers faster than tiny grains of sand slipping through an hourglass.

I see a moment of tranquility but it’s a mote of dust in the sunlight, and it whisks away as soon as I reach out to grasp it.

But I always remember.

How does it flee so fast?

Contentment is brilliant stained glass, easily shattered but not so easily pieced back together.

But I think there must be something thicker stronger tougher out there, right?

What else could we possibly be searching for?

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